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Matthew O'Brien's Jobs at Postings.com
Vice President, Sales | Postings.com
"Helping you find quality people."

About Company
Good People, A Great Company & A Phenomenal Career.

What makes you an industry expert for Postings.com?

Experience in the recruiting industry & being a hiring manager.


Describe an ideal candidate for Postings.com?

A person with a strong results orientation, drive to win as part of a team, passion for your work & the mission of the company, adaptability to change.


What separates Postings.com from its competitors?

We are an agile, innovative company that embraces technology. We willingly embrace Social Networking and the power of an interactive community.


What additional value do you provide your candidates?

Great service, timely response and honesty.


What gets you most excited about Postings.com?

We are working on lots of cool projects and looking to change the World just a little bit.


What does it take to be successful at Postings.com?

Passion, hard work and intelligence. We look for people who believe in the mission of the company and are performance driven.