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Erin Kolacny's Jobs at Spectra Logic
Corporate Recruiter | Spectra Logic

About Company

What makes you an industry expert for Spectra Logic?

My longevity with the company.


Describe an ideal candidate for Spectra Logic?

Someone who has good job stability and integrity.


What separates Spectra Logic from its competitors?

Our longevity, our company history, the quality of product, the great corporate culture.


What additional value do you provide your candidates?

I believe myself and my coworkers to be above average for our communication with candidates. I try to let them know where they are in the process and to let them know if we won't be proceeding. I have worked for Spectra for over 10 years in a couple of different roles and feel I can give the candidate a good feel for what to expect when working for us.


What gets you most excited about Spectra Logic?

The people. I love that the founder and CEO is still as involved and excited about his company today as he was in the beginning. You can feel his passion for the company and it rubs off on all of the associates. Even though we have grown a lot, we have somehow maintained a start up feel with a lot more stability.


What does it take to be successful at Spectra Logic?

Someone who wants to be invested in their job and the company they work for. Our associates are directly contributing to the production and success of the best Storage products on the market.