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Cynthia Lauf's Jobs at Capgemini U.S.
Executive Recruiter | Capgemini U.S.

About Company

What makes you an industry expert for Capgemini U.S.?

Expert in my field, I share generously and stay focused.


Describe an ideal candidate for Capgemini U.S.?

Growth pattern on resume, industry expert, outsourcing background.


What separates Capgemini U.S. from its competitors?

Strength of its employees, life and work balance, career path.


What additional value do you provide your candidates?

Awesome benefits, a career path and a training University.


What gets you most excited about Capgemini U.S.?

The knowledge of our employees. We hire some of the best minds in the country.


What does it take to be successful at Capgemini U.S.?

You should be at the top of your field and ready to assist with hands on.