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Rachel Booth's Jobs at Clinical Solutions Group
Clinical Recruiter | Clinical Solutions Group
""The only way to do great work is to love what you do.""

About Company
At Clinical Solutions Group, our mission is to provide continued success, dependability, and strong leadership to our business partners, workforce, and future candidates. We recognize that every partner and applicant is unique in their needs and we strive for innovative, individual solutions that deliver results.

Describe an ideal candidate for Clinical Solutions Group?

Mid to Senior Level Candidates with experience working on Drug trials for a Sponsor or CRO company


What separates Clinical Solutions Group from its competitors?

Working in a Niche market allows candidates to receive the proper attention while pursuing exciting opportunities.


What additional value do you provide your candidates?

Through decades of combined experience, our team understands the intricacies of the drug development process, industry-based technologies, and the responsibilities tied to the positions we support. This has helped our firm gain credibility and notoriety with key decision makers within companies ranging from small start-ups to fortune 500 corporations.