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Natalie Hartley's Jobs at Adams and Garth
Human Resources Director | Adams and Garth

About Company

What makes you an industry expert for Adams and Garth?

I specialize in the F&A needs for our firm. With a strong background in finance, mortgage, real estate and HR, filling positions in this space is my area of expertise.


Describe an ideal candidate for Adams and Garth?

In the F&A space, an ideal candidate for our organization would range from a CFO to an accounting clerk with professionalism, financial acumen, technical and non-technical backgrounds.


What separates Adams and Garth from its competitors?

We are a firm that believes in providing an intimate, personal relationship with our employees, contractors and clients. You are not a number but a person who should receive the best in care and service.


What additional value do you provide your candidates?

We pride ourselves in providing exceptional customer service. You will be provided with information in a timely fashion and will be educated on the current market and availability of jobs that are suited to your skill set.


What gets you most excited about Adams and Garth?

Being able to interact and assist our contractors, employees and clients with their professional career goals is gratifying. You are aiding in the professional growth and development of individuals while creating lasting relationships.


What does it take to be successful at Adams and Garth?

Honesty, integrity and an understanding of the current job market is crucial in being successful at Adams and Garth. Our main focus is on advising clients and associates on employment in order to provide the best customer service and care. We must always be on the forefront of any changes in the job market and economy.