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Lourdes Salazar's Jobs at Elite Personnel Group, LLC
Recruiter | Elite Personnel Group, LLC

About Company

What makes you an industry expert for Elite Personnel Group, LLC?

Cosmopolitan Staffing Services is an industry expert in staffing and recruiting because together with our affiliates we bring specialization to a whole new level. We have divisions that handle medical, IT and project management, accounting and finance, administrative, light-industrial work and many more. We have a solid reputation with our many prestigious clients of delivering every. single. time.


Describe an ideal candidate for Elite Personnel Group, LLC?

An ideal candidate for Cosmopolitan, would be a tenacious, hungry and passionate individual. We strive our company with employees who never settle for less and always thinks outside of the box. There is no one way to do anything, that is why we aspire to have problem-solvers on our team.


What separates Elite Personnel Group, LLC from its competitors?

People, first. Always.


What additional value do you provide your candidates?

We provide valuable mentor-ship, autonomous experience and room for growth and progress. We value both our candidates and clients and ensure that this relationship is strong and fulfilling.


What gets you most excited about Elite Personnel Group, LLC?

The ability to change an individual's life.


What does it take to be successful at Elite Personnel Group, LLC?

Be the best you. Be passionate. Be hungry.