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Jim Sullivan's Jobs at Galaxy Management Group, Inc.
President | Galaxy Management Group, Inc.
"Galaxy Management Group - Leaders in Executive Recruiting!"

About Company
Galaxy Management Group, Inc. is a boutique executive search firm serving select clients in the NY metro area and across the country. We recruit for professionals that have complex technology skills and business acumen. Industries served include Financial, Media/Advertising, New Media, and eCommerce.

What makes you an industry expert for Galaxy Management Group, Inc.?

I have over 25 years in recruiting. I have built deep relationships in a variety of client companies. I pride myself on knowing what is happening in the marketplace and being able to serve the needs of our clients and candidates.


Describe an ideal candidate for Galaxy Management Group, Inc.?

An ideal candidate is a degreed professional with several years of successful experience who is looking for personal and professional challenges in their next career opportunity.


What separates Galaxy Management Group, Inc. from its competitors?

We maintain great relationships with our clients and our affiliates. We're able to extend the search for a candidate who is unable to find and target that "ideal" opportunity.


What additional value do you provide your candidates?

We belong to NPA, The Worldwide Recruiting Network, a network of member-owned affiliates that share select assignments. We can extend the reach of our local efforts nationally and internationally.


What gets you most excited about Galaxy Management Group, Inc.?

The people we work with every day and the opportunity to influence peoples careers in a positive way.


What does it take to be successful at Galaxy Management Group, Inc.?

Experience, industry & market knowledge, and passion for recruiting.