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Tom Smith's Jobs at Continental Consultants
President | Continental Consultants
"Technical Recruiters for Industry"

About Company
Continental Consultants has specialized in recruiting technical professionals since 1967. We recruit chemists, scientists, chemical, computer, electrical, mechanical, environmental and safety engineers; other technical professionals and managers.

What makes you an industry expert for Continental Consultants?

Worked in the chemical industry as a chemical engineer (12 yrs) prior to being a technical recruiter (21 yrs)


Describe an ideal candidate for Continental Consultants?

At least a BS degree in engineering with practical experience in a plant. Need leadership skills and strong work ethic.


What separates Continental Consultants from its competitors?

We really get to know our clients as we try to visit them on a routine basis.


What additional value do you provide your candidates?

We try to be as honest as possible. Confidentiality on both sides is critical.


What gets you most excited about Continental Consultants?

Being a critical part in the careers of candidates and the success with our clients.


What does it take to be successful at Continental Consultants?

Perserverance, dedication, ethics, integrity and being as optimistic as possible (with reality in mind).


Tom Smith's Top 3 Jobs

Manufacturing & Production - Festus, MO 63028

WE ARE BASED IN COLUMBIA, SC WITH POSITIONS NATIONWIDE: Several positions are within an hour of St Louis, MO *We are always seeking Chemists/Scientists; Chemical, EHS, PSM, Electrical & Mechanical Engineers & Managers for positions and industries nationwide. *Chemist/Scientist: Analytical, Method Development, R&D, Scale-Up, Synthesis, Laboratory Manager, R&D Manager, Technical Sales,... *Chemical Engineers: Project, Production, Process, PSM, Controls, SIS, Design, R&D, Technical Sales, Utilities, Six Sigma, Engineering/Technical Manager,...

View PROCESS ENGINEER JOBS Job - Festus, MO 63028
engineer, process, project, optimize, chemical, mineral
Manufacturing & Production - St Louis, MO 63028

Chemical company is seeking a Senior Electrical Engineer for their complex. Location is about an hour from St Louis, MO SR ELECTRICAL ENGINEER: REQUIRES: BS EE with 10+ years industrial experience *Power distribution, automation and controls (AB PLCs, AVEVA/Wonderware HMIs) *Proficiency with OT networking (ideally Cisco/AB) *Develop and implement major capital projects (CAPEX) We are always seeking Chemical, EHS, Electrical & Mechanical Engineers & Managers for positions nationwide. Must be a US Citizen or Permanent Resident already liv...

electrical engineer, power, controls
Manufacturing & Production - Peoria, IL 61602

We are seeking several Chemical Engineers nationwide. One position is near Peoria, IL. This is for a CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT ENGINEER. *Requires BS ChE with 5+ years Process/ Continuous Improvement Engineering experience in a manufacturing site *Develop more sustainable solutions (decrease environmental footprint) *Define and quantify both incremental and step change cost savings *Work with the production site and a global team *Define project feasibility and conceptual costa analysis *Lead technology evaluations and provide data for proc...

chemical engineer, process, continuous improvement, six sigma