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Mike Addis's Jobs at Solar Tactical
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Solar Tactical
"Our products are made in the USA and tested in the field under combat conditions."
About Company
Our mission is simple: we provide tested products and great service to our customers. If we have not tested it, we dont sell it. The one constant should be that your gear works, period. Check out
What makes you an industry expert for Solar Tactical?
USMC Honor Graduate and Veteran with experience in foreign countries and Presidential protection at Camp David.
What separates Solar Tactical from its competitors?
We are experienced Tactical Shooters and compete regularly using our products. Not to mention, our real world experience in hostile environments around the globe.
What additional value do you provide your candidates?
Real world knowledge, top-notch manufacturing processes and continued innovation. Our products consistently out-perform cheap 'knock-offs' from our competitors.
What gets you most excited about Solar Tactical?
We continue to innovate and develop products right here in the USA.
What does it take to be successful at Solar Tactical?
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