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Senior Recruitment Consultant | DOCS
"SAS Programming, Biostatistics and Epidemiology"

About Company
We deliver highly qualified consultants and regular full-time employees and project teams to companies in the pharmaceutical, biotechnology and medical device industries. Dedicated to outstanding, responsive service, DOCS provides the resources clients need to quickly and efficiently take their products to market.

What makes you an industry expert for DOCS?

Over 7 years experience working in specialized niche with large network of candidates and clients in the pharmaceutical, biotech and CRO arena.


Describe an ideal candidate for DOCS?

Experienced professional with proven track record, stable employment, and team player.


What separates DOCS from its competitors?

We are a specialized niche company focusing on quality rather than quantity.


What additional value do you provide your candidates?

In depth overview of our company and the market, knowldege and experience, competitive benefits and a pathway to work with leading pharmaceutical companies.


What gets you most excited about DOCS?

I believe in what I do and love helping people.


What does it take to be successful at DOCS?

Persistence, excellent customer service and a positive attitude!