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Jeremy McGraw's Jobs at TalentLinc
Recruiter | TalentLinc
"IT Recruiter"

About Company
TalentLinc focuses on working with great companies and great candidates. We provide outstanding service to both our candidates and our clients.

What makes you an industry expert for TalentLinc?

Over 14 years of IT recruiting experience. I take the time to truly understand the client needs and convey that to the candidates.


Describe an ideal candidate for TalentLinc?

An ideal candidate for TalentLinc is one that has a passion for their career and is looking for growth opportunities with their next career move.


What separates TalentLinc from its competitors?

Attention to detail is one of our biggest differentiators. We won't waste a candidate's time, nor our client's. Our interview to hire ratio is more than double the industry average due to understanding the goals of both parties.


What additional value do you provide your candidates?

The value that we provide is finding appropriate positions and preparing candidates for their interview experience with the client.


What gets you most excited about TalentLinc?

The people at TalentLinc gets me the most excited. We have a team that is committed to success by providing a higher level of service to our candidates and our clients.


What does it take to be successful at TalentLinc?

Passion, hard work, and a great attitude will make someone successful at TalentLinc.