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Josh Spain's Jobs at Farnsworth Group
Corporate Recruiter | Farnsworth Group

About Company

What makes you an industry expert for Farnsworth Group?

My previous experience in recruiting coupled with my knowledge of Farnsworth Group’s culture and long-term strategy.


Describe an ideal candidate for Farnsworth Group?

Certainly we look for candidates that possess the necessary technical skills to fulfill solutions for our clients. But of equal importance are candidates who are excellent communicators, enjoy working in collaboration with others, strive to do what is right for our clients, and possess the attributes of our core values of integrity, loyalty, fairness and competence.


What separates Farnsworth Group from its competitors?

Farnsworth is a century-old firm that offers employees the opportunity to make a difference, both in the work we do and the philanthropic organizations we support. Farnsworth Group is able to offer the benefits of a multi-disciplined, full-service engineering and architecture firm that allows our clients to rely on a single point of contact for their architecture/engineering needs. Employees benefit from our full-service offerings where multi-disciplined teams work seamlessly together to implement project solutions. It always leads to a fun exchange of diverse ideas and dynamic problem-solving. In addition, Farnsworth Group is an employee-owned firm where our employees help define the direction and mission of our Company. We also offer candidates the opportunity to immediately become part of our project teams, and to practice their craft on a multitude of project types, whether it’s for a small rural community or a Fortune 50 company. Finally, we are a Company that understands the importance of giving back to our communities, understands the value of family and friends, and the impact our work can have on others.


What additional value do you provide your candidates?

At Farnsworth Group, we try to ensure that our candidates have a great experience working with our recruiting team during the hiring process. Our relationships don’t end once our candidates are hired, but continues for the duration of their employment with the Company. We are available to help support, grow and develop our employees’ personal career goals, and identify areas for growth within the Company. In addition, for entry level staff, we partner them with our senior leadership to help develop their careers and expertise.


What gets you most excited about Farnsworth Group?

We get most excited by the quality and dedication of new employees joining our team. We are driven by the great candidates we experience and providing them the opportunity to contribute to our Company. We are a firm on the move, and are experiencing tremendous growth as a result of our client relationships and expertise. It is exciting to see the opportunities that our employees are given and for them to be empowered to demonstrate their expertise and leadership. It is rewarding to see these individuals thrive in our growing Company, develop lasting relationships with their co-workers, and gain the respect of our clients.


What does it take to be successful at Farnsworth Group?

For an employee to be successful at Farnsworth Group means they are engaged in our core values, our team and our clients. We ask our employees to work hard, but to have fun while working. Our successful employees are team players, flexible, excellent communicators and ready to take on the next challenge.