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Paul Zuzick's Jobs at Fisher & Associates
Recruiter | Fisher & Associates

About Company

What makes you an industry expert for Fisher & Associates?

I have been working within the industry for many years and have encountered nearly every


Describe an ideal candidate for Fisher & Associates?

Diplomacy, tact, patience and quick thinking are essential. 1-2 years previous customer service experience is preferred and the ideal candidate will be proficient with benefit options. Must have the ability to multi-task, stay organized, pay close attention to detail and have excellent interpersonal and communication skills.


What separates Fisher & Associates from its competitors?

7 years of double digit growth


What additional value do you provide your candidates?

Full training, we only promote from within,


What gets you most excited about Fisher & Associates?

Opportunity and the growth that has been a constant for years


What does it take to be successful at Fisher & Associates?

Open minded, hard working, strong mental attitude,