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Krissy Velleca's Jobs at S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC
HR Manager | S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC
"Advancing Ventilation"

About Company
Soler & Palau Ventilation Group is the world's leading fan manufacturer. Soler & Palau is able to offer a range of ventilation products benefiting from over 60 years of experience within the industry.

What makes you an industry expert for S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC?

HR Manager


Describe an ideal candidate for S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC?

High energy and diversification


What separates S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC from its competitors?

Leadtimes and the ability to meet custom order requirements.


What additional value do you provide your candidates?

Continued improvement


What gets you most excited about S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC?

The family atmosphere that we have been able to keep.


What does it take to be successful at S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC?

The ability to be a team player.