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Recruiter Listings
All Recruiters ListingsOver 4 years or professional recruitment experience.. Someone with good communication/soft skills, technically strong and pertinent clinical trials experience. Technically screen candidates, excellent customer service, quick turnaround.. Our company prides itself on taking care of our clients and consultants.. Always looking for new opportunities to service our clients and candidates.
View Ellen Curnin's ProfileLong tenure in the industry and in HR.. Demonstrate Integrity, Professionalism, and Accountability in all they say and do.. We think outside the box to bring the best value to our clients and bring passion to building.. We're capable, reliable and versatile.. The projects we build and the staff we build with.. Passion and motivation.
View Nicole Johnson's ProfileView JohnRecruiter Smith's Profile
7 plus years recruiting for SAS, Biostatistics, and Epidemiology within the clinical realm.. Someone with good communication skills, technically strong and pertinent clinical trials experience.. Technically screened candidates, excellent customer service and quick turn around.. Exceptional customer service, quick feedback and turnaround, and efficient processes.. Our company prides itself on taking care of our clients and consultants.. Always looking for new opportunities to staff and service our clients and candidates.
View Human Resources's ProfileI have a database of 1000's Cytogenetic, FISH, Flow Cytometry, Molecular and CLS candidates that I place at many labs that I work with across the USA.. ABMG Cytogenetic or Molecular boarded candidate or a ASCP Cytogenetic licensed candidate or a CA CLS candidate in Cytogenetics, Molecular, Flow Cytometry, Generalist.... We strive to place the candidate in the perfect situation and that is our first priority. . Negotiations of their salaries, bonuses, relocation package, etc.... How we are the #1 name in staffing in Cytogenetics and most other niches a...
View Jonathan Foster's ProfileUSMC Honor Graduate and Veteran with experience in foreign countries and Presidential protection at Camp David.. We are experienced Tactical Shooters and compete regularly using our products. Not to mention, our real world experience in hostile environments around the globe.. Real world knowledge, top-notch manufacturing processes and continued innovation. Our products consistently out-perform cheap 'knock-offs' from our competitors.. We continue to innovate and develop products right here in the USA. . Check out
View Mike Addis's Profile