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Recruiter Listings
All Recruiters ListingsWas a corporate HRVP for 20 years in multiple industries. Currently run the Jericho HR Group finding great HR, Sales & MarCom and "C"-level candidates nationwide and across industries.. Super candidates nationwide.. We get the job done.. We have fun while we're working.. "Helping People Work Better Together"
View Josh Slimmer's ProfileWorked in the chemical industry as a chemical engineer (12 yrs) prior to being a technical recruiter (21 yrs). At least a BS degree in engineering with practical experience in a plant. Need leadership skills and strong work ethic.. We really get to know our clients as we try to visit them on a routine basis.. We try to be as honest as possible. Confidentiality on both sides is critical.. Being a critical part in the careers of candidates and the success with our clients.. Perserverance, dedication, ethics, integrity and being as optimistic as possib...
View Tom Smith's ProfileExperience in the recruiting industry & being a hiring manager.. A person with a strong results orientation, drive to win as part of a team, passion for your work & the mission of the company, adaptability to change.. We are an agile, innovative company that embraces technology. We willingly embrace Social Networking and the power of an interactive community.. Great service, timely response and honesty.. We are working on lots of cool projects and looking to change the World just a little bit.. Passion, hard work and intelligence. We look for people...
View Matthew O'Brien's ProfileView Darik Volpa's Profile
12+ years experience in Recruiting industry & I have been working with from the very beginning.. A strong results orientation, drive to win as a part of a team , Passion for your work & the mission of the company, adaptability to change. . We are an agile, innovative company that embraces technology. We willingly embrace Social networking and the power of a interactive community.. Above all Honesty, timely feedback and insider knowledge. We are working on lots of cool projects and looking to change the World just a little bit.. Passion, ...
View Nicholas Jimenez's ProfileBeing a leader in the company allows me to direct the overall vision. Helping people make a smart career decision is our focus.. People who are honest with themselves and open to hearing candid advice. We try to be upfront and open with our users and clients. . We are constantly coming up with new ideas and we have a team that is able to deliver them with little direction because they understand the business goals. We help them understand their marketplace value and provide insight about the companies that are hiring. . The fact that each day we ha...
View Mike O'Brien's Profile